STEAMworks Summary The goal of this year's game is prepare your airship for flight by the end of the match! You have to build up pressure by feeding fuel into the boiler. This is done by taking 5" plastic balls and scoring them either by dumping them into a slot or scoring them in a 9' high, 21" wide circular goal. The second goal is to deliver all the gears to the pilots in the airship so it can be repaired in time for takeoff. Human players get to actually play on the field this year by standing in their alliance's airship so they can transfer 12" gears from the robot to on the airship, turning on the fixed rotors for points and deploying climbing ropes so the robots can takeoff. At the end of the match, ropes are deployed and robots can climb these for bonus points!
Robot SummaryName: Apollo
Weight: 118 lbs Size: 28" x 28" x 24" Competition Summary/Awards25-18-1 in official matches
Ranked 97th in the State of Michigan out of 461 teams Kettering University #1: Ranked 9th | Quarter-Finalist | Excellence in Engineering Award Troy: Ranked 32nd | Winner | Judges' Award Michigan State Championship - Ford Division: Ranked 15th |