Deep Space Summary In Deep Space, A sandstorm limits driver visibility so robots independently follow pre-programmed instructions or are operated by human drivers via video from their habitat. Alliances score points by deploying robots from habitat, preparing rockets and cargo ship with hatch panels, and loading cargo pods into their rockets and cargo ship. The sandstorm clears and human operators take control of their robots. Alliances continue to score points by preparing rockets and cargo ship with hatch panels, loading more cargo pods, and returning the robot safely to the alliance’s habitat.
Robot SummaryName: Voyager
Weight: 125 lbs Size: 27.5" x 32.5" x 48" Competition Summary/Awards57-20-2 in official matches
Ranked 2nd in the State of Michigan out of 542 teams Milford: Ranked 11th | Finalist | Industrial Design | Pit Safety East Kentwood: Ranked 1st | Finalist | Engineering Inspiration | Pit Safety Michigan State Championship - Dow Division: Ranked 1st | Divisional Winner | Creativity Award Michigan State Championship: Championship Finalist Detroit Championship - Archimedes Division: Ranked 1st | Quarter-Finalist | Pit Safety |